Sunday, October 18, 2009

move + ing

wah udah lama banget gue ga update ini blog, kelamaan malah, it's not that i forgot or anything, i just dont have anything proper to write, hehe. okay let's see here hmmm I got bunch of stories to tell, just doesnt know which one which i have to tell first. lets start with this

1. College
well, what do you know, studying psychology is not as fun as u think it would be. banyak yang harus dibaca dan dipahami. so many slides yang harus gue rangkum, and it aint easy. most of them pake bahasa indonesia sih, but still 2 words would make a weird vocab that hard to understand hhhhhh. o yeah, i got some new friends namanya demia sama acha, they're nice kok. but still they wont be compared to my alpusian, for god sake I miss my alpusian, oh okay, lets talk about them now

2. The past, The present, Hell with tomorrow

okay I admit it, having an 'ga tentu' schedule is sama sekali ga enak, ga sama sekali sih, ada enaknya juga, cuma ya gitu lah, rasanya kayak lebih ga keatur aja, kebiasaan diatur di sekolah, sekolah jam 7 pulang sore and so on seems tempting. gue kangen sama temen2 sekolah gue, I dont know how ya tapi kayaknya tiap anak di sekolah udah di cetak pola pikirnya jadi sama, jadi nyambung2 aja jadi setiap sekolah punya pola pikir beda2 dan akhirnya tiap kita pindah ke lingkungan baru, kita bakal susah nyamain pola pikir lagi sama orang2. hmmm, just something that came out.

gue kangen banget sama temen2 sekolah gue nih kan, but thank god gue dikasih buat sering ketemuan kan. so everything going smooth, ga ada rasa kangen2an, ya cuma ke beberapa orang paling, but the rest seems just fine.

well what do u have left to tell here, hmm lets see.. apa ya.. nothing new except since I have so many loose schedule gue bisa pergi kemana2 nyoba apa2 and i have tried this pizza place called pizza e birra and trust me I highly recommend it! nice view, great food and friendly waiters.

okay, off to surf the net now, ttyl!

currently listening to: Sondre Lerche's new album called 'Heartbeat Radio'

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