Saturday, November 10, 2012

Don't Go Away

"All we seem to know is how to show the feelings that are wrong", it's 3am, repeating to Oasis's Don't Go Away. My mood-swings get the best of me, I think a lot about things that aren't suppose to be thought about. I worry too much, I love too much.

Being attached too much will cause you some serious twisted mind, but less attached could cause you to some painful longing ache in the heart. So how much is the perfect dose of attachments? because the more you think about it, all you could think of is that you need more and  more of that attaching feeling. Those longing ache you had need to be cured by the presence of your attachments. in this context, I'm talking about being attached to someone. Friends, family, lover or whatever you want to name it.

For what is worth, this is enough. I really couldn't afford being detached to you, well at least for now. Good night :)