Thursday, March 19, 2009

to: 'who that maybe won't read this anyway'

I have this friend, she's cool. I like her attitude, the way she's so strict, the way she told me to stop acting weird, the way she deny every statement that I gave and the way she mad when I pretend not to listen to her

I don't have that many friends, I only have a few close friends, only a few, but I treat them as special as I could. I could write them in a list, but i dont want to, i dont want to count them I want to know them better and make everyone of them to be uncountable. maybe it's just me, maybe you're not changing, maybe I'm the who can't understand what you're talking about. I'm not great at that thing u like to talk about right now, maybe it was something i said to u that made u like this. I don't want to know anyway

I'm not mad, I'm sad. I'm not sheering off from you, I just feel I won't be good listener if you talk. but despite my feeling, I'm practicly fine.

it's 11.05pm, listening to The Veronicas - When it All Falls Apart, mood: incredibly messy.


  1. niin gw baca koo haha gw juga ada blog tp malay gt ngurusin nya jd blm gw otak-atik lg sampe skrg haahhaa :D nice blog anyway..

  2. hahaha.. gue juga baru2 ini punya nya.pengen nyoba2 aja sih sebenernya, jadi masih rajin ditulisin. tinggal nunggu kapan bosennya aja paling.
