ini baru 2 minggu libur, gue ngerasa ini udh lama. gue juga sibuk tapi gatau sebenernya sibuk apa. buku taunan seems organized, belajar buat umb ya emang gue ga niat. sometime i felt bored, gue ga ngerti kenapa? i've been waiting for this time like for how long? almost a year? tapi pas gue dapet liburan panjang gini, gue gatau harus apa? bener2 buang waktu. paling lo bisa tidur lebih malem tanpa harus takut besok bangun kesiangan. lo bisa kemana aja kapan aja. nonton film kapan aja dan apapun lah yang dulu ga bisa lo lakukan sebebas skg.
and at this precise time, di jam gue tertulis angka 10:08, ini udh jam 10 malem, besok udh ganti hari lagi. gue merasa hari ini gue ga melakukan apa2 yang bisa ngebuat hari ini bermanfaat buat besoknya (okay, the sentence sounds sok bijak). waktu gue sekolah dulu. jam segini gue udh mulai beresin buku, terus gue cuci kaki segala macem dan blessss tidur sampe besok jam 6 gue bangun lagi. gue sekolah, gue belajar, gue main. semua kerasa imbang dan gue kangen sama rasa capeknya gue ngelakuin rutinitas itu.
gue kangen ketemu sama temen2 gue tiap hari, and I mean semua. I miss their stupid jokes and pranks they put on other people. I miss everything about highschool, the building, the stupid rules, the catetan yang harusnya gue catet tapi ga gue catet, the feeling kalo ada ulangan tapi lo ga belajar dan rasanya bawa ransel. gue rasa ga cuma gue doang yang ngerasa kayak gini. pasti banyak banget.
kenapa tiba2 gini gue bilang gue kangen? mood gue bisa berubah kapan aja, tergantung dari apa yang gue denger. hari ini gue dengerin lagu2 sedih. emang ga nyambung sama sekolah sama skali, tapi tiba2 aja yg kepikiran sekolah. and it made me sad :( kalo udh kayak gini, please anyone siapa aja bisa kasih tau gue 1 aja alesan kenapa lo harus cabut sekolah? karena menurut gue sekolah udh cukup pas, mungkin ga sempurna di mata lo. tapi itu udah mencakup semuanya dan gue ga bisa minta lebih dari itu.
sekarang tinggal ada 1 event 1 angkatan terakhir, wisuda, and i beg u whoever read this, please made this last event jadi sesuatu yang berkesan banget.. even kita harus pake kebaya kunyit itu.. hahaha..
okay then, i'm off to call someone, ciao!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
saturday night is not so bad
woohooo..!! last saturday has been pretty tiring day. dimana-mana rame dan kemana mana lumayan macet. so let me tell you what happened. okay, siang2 gue ke pim sama keluarga gue. it has been my family's habit to go out on weekends, anywhere is okay. so hari itu gue ke pim. gue makan segala macem dan salsa berencana untuk nyusulin gue ke pim. with one condition, kita harus cabut dari sana. okay, I met her around 5 dan dia langsung ngajak cabut, kemana? gatau. sampe akhirnya gue inget ahad sama bisma lagi di pim juga. yaudah kita ketemu terus ternyata eh ternyata. mereka juga sumpek. yaudah jadi kita pergilah ke basement ngambil mobil.
sampe mobil. kita gatau mau kemana. please, anywhere asal jangan rame. and asking where to go question became a game. hahahaha.. a funny cheesy fun game. and we decided buat berhenti di tea addict. we thought its going to be so crowded dan ternyata ga gitu rame. so we sit there hang a bit dan datanglah mas ito. hahahahaha. and the teasing game begin! gue pindah ke ke sofanya ahad sama bisma and i guess u know what happened next. ito mulai laper dan dia mau cabut mau cari makan. dia mau makan di deket rumah gue. dan pergilah kita ke deket rumah gue. ito berdua aja sama salsa di mobil. hahahahahahahaha
selesai makan gue mau muter2. tapi ito gamau alhasil kita misah. dan gue masih tetep sama ahad dan bisma. gue bingung mau kemana alhasil gue menyarankan kalo kita ikutin jalan aja. lurus terus sampe mentok dan beneran aja sampe mentok sampe ke kota tua. gpp kok. hahahaha.. well nothin much happened. but its been an interesting night.
thats it for this one. see ya later! ciao!
Friday, May 22, 2009
two - o' - one
it's midnight, and yeah, too much nap will cause some weird effect like this :( so, finally, some friends made twitters and some made blogs, of course I subcribes to them :) but my favourite is Priska's blog, she made it to be soooooo interesting to read. its a funny story with pictures, kinda whole different way to blog. go to hers, and see how she brings you to her stories, well she succeeded to brought me :)
this vacation thingy has been very boring and also interesting. so I downloaded bunch of song, and whatever it is. so I found some of 'em are interesting. at least Death Cab For Cutie has caught my ears for couple of days, that voice of it's vocalist, that beat of the drum, and the simple deep lyrics made my boring day better. my favourites are Crooked Teeth and Soul Meets Body. thats only two of many songs i've downloaded. hahahaha.. so ok, my newbies playlist is full. so what?
ok, i'm starting to get sleepy. my eyes will shut in couple of minutes. so I better end this post or something. well tomorrow is a weekend. hope everything will be alright then. oh yeah, i;m fully loaded with sushi, all u can eat poke sushi has caught my eyes and tummy for couple of months, and yeah i never get tired of it ever since. hahahaha.. and by right now, it's offcicially 3 weeks.
3 weeks for what? lets just count it down. you'll see later! :)
it's 2.15am, currently listening to Nobody Wants to be Lonely by Ricky Martin feat. Christina Aguilera.
mood : fine
smell ya later!
this vacation thingy has been very boring and also interesting. so I downloaded bunch of song, and whatever it is. so I found some of 'em are interesting. at least Death Cab For Cutie has caught my ears for couple of days, that voice of it's vocalist, that beat of the drum, and the simple deep lyrics made my boring day better. my favourites are Crooked Teeth and Soul Meets Body. thats only two of many songs i've downloaded. hahahaha.. so ok, my newbies playlist is full. so what?
ok, i'm starting to get sleepy. my eyes will shut in couple of minutes. so I better end this post or something. well tomorrow is a weekend. hope everything will be alright then. oh yeah, i;m fully loaded with sushi, all u can eat poke sushi has caught my eyes and tummy for couple of months, and yeah i never get tired of it ever since. hahahaha.. and by right now, it's offcicially 3 weeks.
3 weeks for what? lets just count it down. you'll see later! :)
it's 2.15am, currently listening to Nobody Wants to be Lonely by Ricky Martin feat. Christina Aguilera.
mood : fine
smell ya later!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
visit me!
First week of a freakin long holiday. and yeah, I came up with nothing. gue gatau mesti ngapain dan mesti kemana. the only thing that always amuse me is my lappy, thats my laptop's name, i named her lappy. she such a best friend and also saviour when i'm drop-dead-bored like now. I like to browse some web, tapi bukan web2 yang ngebuka forum2 aneh atau semacemnya. sumpah gue bukan seorang kaskusers or whatever it is yang ada forum2nya. kecuali forum itu berhubungan sama gue, which is belom pernah ada so far. no offense, but I'm not that freak who 'doesn't-have-a-life-in-a-real-world-so-I-have-to-have-a-reputation' di dunia maya ini. dan kalopun gue mau nyari temen juga di internet i'd rather look up all the way halfway around the world. it's internet lho?! u got some english skill, so use it lah.
so okay, kalo lo emang gamau nyari temen jg gpp sih. hahahah. so here's some web that I visit regularly. I visit some of 'em almost everyday. hahahah. so.. here it is.
(click on the names, to go to the web)
1.Nguping Jakarta
this is a complete jakarta's amusing websites. some stupid stuff people mispronounce from a regular conversation. bener2 ngehibur banget dan gue recommend banget buat lo baca. lo ga bakal menyangka how many penduduk jakarta ga yang kuliah, yang ga sekolah, ga perempuan, ga laki-laki masih suka salah ngomong. mereka agak jarang ngupdate blog nya. but sometimes when they updated it, banyak yang baru. and trust me, it'll make you laugh your ass off. okay, next!
2.Post Secret
post secret ini isinya tentang rahasia2 orang. jadi orang2 ini bebas menuliskan semua dirty secret nya mereka di sebuah post-card dan mereka ngirim post-card mereka ini ke sebuah alamat si pemilik atau perintis post secret ini secara anynomous. kayak contohnya ini. pertama kali gue tau post secret, gue nemu buku nya di aksara. dan harganya kebetulan mahal banget, which is 300rban, dan waktu kakek nenek gue pergi kemana gue nitip itu buku, and yes, they bought me. hahaha. but visiting their websites regularly every week juga asik kok. blog ini di update setiap hari minggu, jadi lo bisa ngecek website ini tiap minggu. and what I like from this post secret web is reading their secrets made me feel better. banyak orang yang hidupnya ga sesempurna yang gue kira. and most of them are living among us.
yeah I still twitter, so what? i'm not interest into plurking stuff, I twitter. it's fun sometimes you been followed by strangers and I guess they wanna know what i'm up to.. hahaha. it sounds weird, but what the heck. twitter is fun!
stands for Internet Movie Database, you know when sometimes you watch a movie and you found some quotes that are nice or a song that sounds good but you dont know what it is. well here's my secret. i look it all up in here. movie quotes, soundtracks, anything you need to find out you can look it all up in here.
well that are webs u might check out. really helps and reduce the bored a bit. hahaha..
recently listening to 'Zzzz' by The Cab
mood : fully charged happy!
so okay, kalo lo emang gamau nyari temen jg gpp sih. hahahah. so here's some web that I visit regularly. I visit some of 'em almost everyday. hahahah. so.. here it is.
(click on the names, to go to the web)
1.Nguping Jakarta
this is a complete jakarta's amusing websites. some stupid stuff people mispronounce from a regular conversation. bener2 ngehibur banget dan gue recommend banget buat lo baca. lo ga bakal menyangka how many penduduk jakarta ga yang kuliah, yang ga sekolah, ga perempuan, ga laki-laki masih suka salah ngomong. mereka agak jarang ngupdate blog nya. but sometimes when they updated it, banyak yang baru. and trust me, it'll make you laugh your ass off. okay, next!
2.Post Secret
post secret ini isinya tentang rahasia2 orang. jadi orang2 ini bebas menuliskan semua dirty secret nya mereka di sebuah post-card dan mereka ngirim post-card mereka ini ke sebuah alamat si pemilik atau perintis post secret ini secara anynomous. kayak contohnya ini. pertama kali gue tau post secret, gue nemu buku nya di aksara. dan harganya kebetulan mahal banget, which is 300rban, dan waktu kakek nenek gue pergi kemana gue nitip itu buku, and yes, they bought me. hahaha. but visiting their websites regularly every week juga asik kok. blog ini di update setiap hari minggu, jadi lo bisa ngecek website ini tiap minggu. and what I like from this post secret web is reading their secrets made me feel better. banyak orang yang hidupnya ga sesempurna yang gue kira. and most of them are living among us.
yeah I still twitter, so what? i'm not interest into plurking stuff, I twitter. it's fun sometimes you been followed by strangers and I guess they wanna know what i'm up to.. hahaha. it sounds weird, but what the heck. twitter is fun!
stands for Internet Movie Database, you know when sometimes you watch a movie and you found some quotes that are nice or a song that sounds good but you dont know what it is. well here's my secret. i look it all up in here. movie quotes, soundtracks, anything you need to find out you can look it all up in here.
well that are webs u might check out. really helps and reduce the bored a bit. hahaha..
recently listening to 'Zzzz' by The Cab
mood : fully charged happy!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
timeless and priceless
okay, it's been a while gue ga nulis lagi. Barusan gue baca blog nya sari and u know what? her writing, her ngarang, her feeling about this high school just made me realize that's its been a hell of an adventure. 3 taun ini emang gila banget, dan gue ga nyangka bisa secepet ini. kalo bisa gue ulang, satu stengah taun yg lalu aja. gue mau capek2 cari duit lagi buat alpuscup, ngerjain pr ini itu, ulangan lagi. it's ok kalo akhirnya gue bisa temenan sama orang2 yang gue temenin sekarang, dapet pengalaman yang gue ga kira bakal dapet.
i've through some rough time with some friends, beberapa kali slek2an, sedikit cekcok, ya u know lah, high school stuff, hahah! ngalaminnya sih emang ga enak. sedih banget. but u know what, there's something more than I expected behind that problems. gue dapet temen baru. nambah temen. nambah pengalaman. sesuatu yang ga bisa gue sangka sebelomnya. dan dengan semua kejadian ini, semua hal yang gue dapet so far. everythings is so priceless
gue ga bakal ngomong banyak disini. mungkin di blognya sari itu udah keucap semuanya. kayak kaset yang direwind terus2an karena lagunya enak. and that quote almost made me cry.. hahaha..
recently, listening to nothing, watching hairpsray on HBO
i've through some rough time with some friends, beberapa kali slek2an, sedikit cekcok, ya u know lah, high school stuff, hahah! ngalaminnya sih emang ga enak. sedih banget. but u know what, there's something more than I expected behind that problems. gue dapet temen baru. nambah temen. nambah pengalaman. sesuatu yang ga bisa gue sangka sebelomnya. dan dengan semua kejadian ini, semua hal yang gue dapet so far. everythings is so priceless
gue ga bakal ngomong banyak disini. mungkin di blognya sari itu udah keucap semuanya. kayak kaset yang direwind terus2an karena lagunya enak. and that quote almost made me cry.. hahaha..
recently, listening to nothing, watching hairpsray on HBO
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